The Bitter Woman (TBW) is a safe space to discuss feminist topics and issues in all their complexity with heavy influences from the "Riot Grrl" movement, and the logo needed to reflect that. It blends a feminine feel with some edge.
the team:
jeremy berkman
Our initial explorations started with little direction and lots of freedom. This is where we started to feel out the brand.
As we narrowed down the choices the brand began to take shape. The second round helped the client decide on typography and colors. This set the foundation for the brand.
At this point, the client knew what they wanted, and we just needed to make adjustments to the layouts and colors. This is also where we decided on the grapefruit.
The grapefruit is a strong icon of the brand, and we needed one that was distinct enough to work with or without the typography.
The logo was designed in full color, black and white, and monochrome.
We tried experimenting with different colors, but ultimately agreed on the signature yellow and pink.
The Bitter Woman logo in use on social media.
The Bitter Woman logo in use on their website.